Empowering Women After Betrayal
- Get 24/7 access to 60+ hours of faith-based advice from 44 experts in our critically-acclaimed previously held 10-day virtual summit.
- Ideal for partners of sex addicts as well as strugglers who want to help her heal, an All-Access Pass is also a great resource for counselors, mentors, and coaches.
- Collectively, our experts have 1,000+ years of personal recovery experience and 1,500+ years of recovery ministry experience.
- Our goal is to educate, encourage, and support you while you’re on this healing journey. You’re not alone. We’re here to help.
Braveful Summit Topics
Gain expert insights and wisdom on these key topics
Betrayal Trauma
Feelings & Emotions
Discovery & Disclosure
Healthy Boundaries
Past Trauma
Restoration & Spirituality
Trust & Forgiveness
Get the Bonus!
Coloring Book for Betrayed Partners
When you purchase the Braveful Summit All-Access Pass you'll get unlimited, lifetime access to all the interviews and Q&A's with our 44 experts. And as a special thanks for supporting our ministry, we'll include a uniquely illustrated collection of inspiring coloring pages created specifically for betrayed partners.
“There is absolutely no doubt in our minds that everyone should buy an All-Access Pass to any of your Summits when available. Now we have all of the material forever, review what we need, digest what we can, and put it all to good use in our healing and recovery journeys.”
Larry & LindaMultiple summit attendees
Summit Interviews
Betrayal Trauma
Feelings & Emotions
Healthy Boundaries
Discovery & Disclosure
Trust & Forgiveness
Sexual Addiction
Past Trauma
Restoration & Spirituality
Meet Our Experts
We interviewed 42 faith-based experts in betrayal trauma, partner support, and sexual addiction for the Braveful Summit. As you can see, most are women who’ve been where you are. Click on any image below to learn more.
She is the author of her new book Intimate Deception – Healing the Wounds of Sexual Betrayal and is a regular host for the Blog talk show Betrayal Recovery Radio (www.blogtalkradio.com/apsatsradio). Dr. Sheri enjoys the beach, reading, mountain biking, hiking, camping and big game sport fishing, including a 150-pound marlin she caught that hangs on her wall.
Lyschel has facilitated support groups for over six years. She began facilitating groups in her local church and with Vicki Tiede Ministries. After years of walking with women on this journey, she felt the calling to step into deeper waters and pursued {licensure/certification/training}, culminating in the launch of Hope Redefined in 2018.
Lyschel co-authored “Group Leaders Guide for When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography" with Vicki Tiede in 2015. This guide was created to support others who want to launch support groups for women in their own church and community.
Reeling from the devastation and erosion of their marriage, due to a pornography addiction, Ashley and her husband, Jon, found Pure Desire. In His sovereignty, God brought them to the right place, at the right time: Lake City Church in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Today, just four years later, their church is thriving and providing Pure Desire groups for men, women, and youth. Marriages have been renewed. Families have been restored. The power of their ministry has breached the walls of their church, impacting their community and beyond.
As the International Women’s Groups Coordinator for Pure Desire, Ashley provides leadership and training to their Regional Group Advisors (RGAs) throughout the country. She has been instrumental in training new leaders to advance the message of hope and healing in the Church and community. Ashley’s transparency is refreshing; her love for Jesus contagious.
Get the Braveful Summit All-Access Pass
Grab your Braveful Summit All-Access Pass and binge watch the best advice from faith-based experts.